Lenten retreat 2022. Easter: Way of the Cross

Easter: Way of the Cross is a guided series of scriptures, reflections and prayers that follow the encounters leading up to the crucifixion of Christ. Join us in preparing Easter!

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Beginning the Journey

We invite you on a journey of encounter this Easter.

The Christian life is a journey. Each encounter invites a personal opportunity for interior analysis, growth and a guided way forward with Jesus.

The cross for many scriptural figures becomes a point of choice, and so too for us. The Passion Narrative exemplifies the journey of Christian conversion. It reveals the heart. Together we can pray for the courage to look honestly at our interior life and encounter Christ in a new way.

Allow yourself to be guided by these spiritual reflections. Like Christ, may we journey to the cross and see His glory.

The retreat:

The Way of the Cross is a series of 14 guided reflections and moments of prayer that explore Easter through the scriptures.

Pray along every Wednesday and Friday from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday.

Simply follow the guided scriptures, reflections and prayers you will receive.

The 14 sessions

  • Session 1, Ash Wednesday: An Encounter with Peter, James & John
  • Session 2, Friday, March 4: An Encounter with Judas
  • Session 3, Wednesday, March 9: An Encounter with Peter
  • Session 4, Friday, March 11, An Encounter with Pilate
  • Session 5, Wednesday, March 16, An Encounter with Barabbas
  • Session 6 , Friday, March 18, An Encounter with the Cross
  • Session 7, Wednesday, March 23, An Encounter with Mary
  • Session 8, Friday, March 25 An Encounter with Simon of Cyrene
  • Session 9, Wednesday, March 30, An Encounter with Veronica
  • Session 10, Friday, April 1, An Encounter with the Women of Jeruselum
  • Session 11, Wednesday, April 6, An Encounter with Nakedness
  • Session 12, Friday, April 8, An Encounter with Death
  • Session 13, Wednesday, April 13, An Encounter with Nicodemus & Joseph of Arimathea
  • Session 14, Good Friday, April 15, An Encounter with You

How to participate

Click on Join and pray along with each publication. 🙏

This retreat was created by The Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn and Belong.

Retreat prayer

Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And let us not enter into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen