The Seven Last Words: Seven Blessings from the Cross

This online Lenten retreat will invite you to reflect on the Seven Last words of Christ on the Cross and to receive them as blessings.


Pray with us 🙏

Enter into the mystery of those simple yet profound words and grow closer to Jesus during this season of Lent.

This online Lenten retreat will invite you to reflect on the Seven Last words of Christ on the Cross.

Retreat Content 📖

Each week, a talk will be given live on Monday at 7pm GMT. You will receive the video of the talk on Friday.

Each talk is on one of the last seven words of Jesus spoke in his final hours before his death on the cross.

Week 1: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do

Week 2: Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise

Week 3: Woman, behold your son! Behold your mother!

Week 4: My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me? 

Week 5: I thirst

Week 6: It is finished

Week 7: Father, into your hands I commend my spirit

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To join the live sessions on Mondays, please select here

The Centre for Applied Carmelite Spirituality 🔍

We are a team of Discalced Carmelite friars and laypeople
and we welcome all who desire to seek their own way to the wholeness and the meaning of life. We offer courses and programmes, based mostly on Carmelite spirituality and its ancient tradition of prayer.

Discover more about what we do here.


Retreat prayer

Closing Prayer

O, Holy Spirit, Light from the Father and the Son. Let your radiant light penetrate our hearts and minds. Awaken in us the deepest ‘yes' to the love of God in our hearts. O, Holy Spirit, you intercede for us ‘according to the mind of God.' Bring us into the mind and heart of God without any merit or work on our part. We rejoice in this truth and surrender ourselves to the mystery of your love. Be our light as we journey through this Lent. Lead us into intimate union with the God who calls us “Beloved”. Amen