Come Holy Spirit and Fill Us with Your Gift of Piety!

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He ascended to the right hand of the Father and gave us gifts (Eph 4:8)

Wednesday, May 27th The Gift of the Holy Spirit of Piety Crushes the Sin of Anger 

The Gift of our God the Holy Spirit of Piety creates great love of our Heavenly Father within our hearts so that we always desire to do whatever pleases Him and whatever He is asking of us.  It is the great love of the Father that kept Jesus nailed to the Cross anointing Him to do our Heavenly Father's will.  With the gift of Piety of the Holy Spirit within us we are anointed to forgive offences quickly crushing anger and it's minions, rendering them inactive within us.  As Mother Nadine Brown teaches in, “Bathe 7 Times” on p.21 “Our #1 weapon is the Cross.  We are victim lambs and the event we are celebrating is Calvary.  The 1st word from the Cross of our Lord was, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) This is our #1 weapon, loving our Heavenly Father deeply by asking forgiveness of our own sin and the sin of others as well as giving forgiveness to our self and to one another.  In doing so the gift of the Holy Spirit of Piety – the deep love for God within our hearts crushes the sin of anger.

Piety helps us realize that we indeed are children of God and can remain in His Freedom of unconditional love because we are not yet perfect as God is.  Our Heavenly Father desires to perfect us in His Sacrificial Love and does so when we surrender all offences to Him.  

Be perfect as Your heavenly father is perfect!  (Matt 5:28) God desires to perfect us in His Love.  

"Forgive so that your Heavenly Father can forgive you." (Matt 6:14) God gives us the ability to forgive even the worse offences.

The Gift of God's Spirit of Piety (great love of God within our hearts) overcomes the sin of anger in us.  

Anger can be defined as “fear of not being in control.”  Knowing this we pause and consider how we have partnered with the sin of anger.   (Take a few minutes and do so now and continue when ready)

The binding and casting out of the Sin of Anger

We once again use the Method of Unbound to rebuke the sin of anger within ourselves, asking God to overcome the sin of anger with His great love of the Gift of His Holy Spirit of Piety as we pray the Unbound Method of Deliverance which keeps us in continuous freedom from being blinded by the sin of satan of anger. It is not a substitute for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is a prayer method like an examination of conscience which keeps us constantly in the counsel of God for when we realize we are sinning we can immediately pray the following to be set free from sin but when trapped in mortal sin, we run to the Sacrament of Confession. 

The 5 Keys of the Unbound Method of Deliverance by Neil Lozano

1.Repentance and an Act of Faith declaring Jesus as your Lord and Savior. 2.Forgiveness. 3. Renunciation. 4. Authority. 5. The Father's Blessing

1."Jesus, You are alone are my God, I have sinned against You and I am very sorry for doing so. I ask You, my Savior, to save me from the sin of anger and all it's minions. 2. I ask Your forgiveness in partnering with the sin of anger and 3. in Your name Jesus, I renounce the sin of anger and make a firm decision to not partner with the demon of anger ever again. 4. In Your name Jesus, I take authority over the demon of anger and BIND it and cast it out, sending it to the foot of Your Cross for You to do with as You will. 5. In Your Name Jesus I ask the blessing of our Heavenly Father in the power of Your Holy Spirit to fill me up with Your Gift of Piety – great love of You within my heart -  to overcome the sin of anger - that I always desire to please You by doing Your will and not mine, that I always trust that You are taking care of me. 

Thank you for filling me with your Gift of Piety. Alleluia! Thank You Lord Jesus for your love for me. Thank you for dying on the Cross so that I might be continually set free from the sin of anger! Thank You for always guiding me and blessing me with Your Gift of great love -  the gift of Your Spirit of Piety within my heart.  I ask that I may always remain your humble child relying on Your Holy Spirit at all times.  

 Thank You for the knowledge that through the Gifts of Your Holy Spirit of Piety that I will love You more than myself and that You will perfect Your love in me which will cast out all fear in me crushing anger within me.

“Be perfect as Your heavenly Father is perfect!”  (Matt 5:28)

God, Who is perfect Love casts out all fear in me! (1 Jn 4:8,18)

Community prayer

The Lady of All Nations Church Approved New Worldwide Pentecost Prayer

The Upper Room Pentecost in the Acts of the Apostles "They were cut to the heart, and they asked Peter and the other apostles, “What are we to do, my brothers?” Peter [said] to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:37-38) So we now, as the people asked on the day of the "Upper Room Pentecost" when they understood that Jesus died for them, too ask, "What shall we do" to receive this New Worldwide Pentecost promised in Joel 3 - this fresh outpouring into our hearts of our God the Holy Spirit! We must first repent, by turning away from sin and asking God for forgiveness for the ways that we have spurned His love for us and we must proclaim His love to all we meet, but of course, as He told His early disciples, we must first be clothed - "filled" - with His Holy Spirit before we do so, since when He fills us with His Holy Spirit, He, Love Himself, overflows from us to others and they, who receive Him, their hearts are filled to overflowing with His Spirit - Sacrificial Love. :) For God alone converts hearts. :) Hope does not disappoint for the Love of God has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us! (Romans 5:5) Mother Mary, in the Church approved message of "The Lady of All Nations" asks us to daily pray the following prayer asking for the New Worldwide Pentecost - the outpouring of God's Love, His Spirit, into all hearts. Prayer for the New Worldwide Pentecost: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father. Send NOW Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our Advocate. Amen!" For in-depth information on the Lady of All Nations Church approved message and how the official proclamation of the 5th Marian Dogma will usher in the New Worldwide Pentecost promised to us by God, in Joel 3, of the outpouring of His Holy Spirit, His Love, into "all hearts of flesh", please go to Dr. Mark Miravalle's website: and to I encourage you, along with daily praying the prayer above, to sign the petition to Holy Father Francis on Dr. Miravalle's website, urging Holy Father Francis to officially proclaim the 5th Marian Dogma which will usher in the New Worldwide Pentecost which is promised to us - - the outpouring of God's Sacrificial Love, His Holy Spirit, the New Wine, into ALL hearts which will restore us in His Image and Likeness ushering in the restoration of the New Heaven and the New Earth which God promises to us in Rev 21:1-6. Just as by Mary's request at the wedding feast of Cana where the wedding guests were given new wine (Jn 2) we too,will be given the New Wine of the Holy Spirit at her request. And as Mary reveals to us in the Lady of All Nations Church approved message, we must do our part and petition Holy Father Francis to make the official proclamation of the 5th Marian Dogma because it is through the official proclamation of this title, "Mary Mediatrix of All Grace" that our Queen Mother's powerful intercession is released as never before upon the people of "all nations" of the world. :) The Lady of All Nations Church approved 50th message given on May 31st 1954 (50th - think pentecost for pentecost in Greek means "50".) "This day will in due time, be the "Coronation Day" of His Mother...the Lady remained with her apostles until the Spirit came. In the same way the Lady will come to her apostles and all the nations, in order to bring them the Holy Spirit anew, because the Holy Spirit of Truth must always be invoked before great decisions." (The Messages of the Lady of All Nations p. 84) Please, let us, the Mystical Body of Christ, unite in praying for the outpouring of God's Holy Spirit into ALL hearts so that His very presence, His Word, Jesus, the Sword of the Holy Spirit of Truth resides within our hearts casting out all fear because where God fully resides no fear can remain and His love flourishes restoring earth to heaven and each soul in His image and likeness. Alleluia! The Word was God and became flesh within our hearts (Jn 1, 14, 1 Jn 4:8,18) ,casting out all fear in us conquering satan within our own hearts and He, Jesus, the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit, conquers all evil of satan by going forth from our mouths as we witness to Him (Rev 12:10-12, 17) He does so in the power of His Holy Spirit. "Not by power, NOT by might but by My Spirit! (Zach 4:6) “Now have salvation and power come, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Anointed. For the accuser of our brothers is cast out, who accuses them before our God day and night. They conquered him (satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony; love for life did not deter them from death. (Rev 12:10-12) Behold I make all things new! (Rev 21:5)

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


New Worldwide Pentecost Promised by God in JOEL 3, ROM 5:5
