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Web image : St Basil of Caesarea 


"He appeared before the high priest as an accused; led before the governor, he submitted to his judgment, and when he could answer the slanderers, he silently suffered their slander. Covered in spitting by unworthy slaves and servants, he was finally delivered to death, an infamous death in the eyes of men. This is how his life as a man went from his birth to his end..But he made his glory burst forth ... Let us imitate him to attain the eternal,glory. " According to St Basil of Caesarea ( AD 330-379 January 1st or 2nd ) Bishop of Cesarea Mazaca in Cappadocia -Asia Minor Referred- as a Cappadocian Father- Homily on humility, 5-6 (trad. Brésard, 2000 years B.) Basile de Grand traduit par M.l'Abbé AUGER- nouvelle édition à LYON chez GUYOT libraire éditeur-1827-Oeuvre numérisée par Marc Szwajcer. Homélies et lettres choisies de Saint Basile traduit par l'Abbé AUGER à PARIS chez CRAPART Librairie Pl,Saint Michel à l'entrée de la rue d'Enfer N°129 MDCCLXXXVIII 





Humility, a cardinal virtue for each Christians. Let us give God acceptance of the humiliation for the cause of his Name.

Community prayer

St. Augustine

O Thou Good Omnipotent, Who so carest for every one of us, as if Thou carest for him alone; and so for all, as if all were but one! Blessed is the man who loveth Thee, and his friend in Thee, and his enemy for Thee. For he only loses none dear to him, to whom all are dear in Him who cannot be lost. And who is that but our God, the God that made heaven and earth, and filleth them, even by filling them creating them. And Thy law is truth, and the truth is Thyself. I behold how some things pass away that others may replace them, but Thou dost never depart, O God, my Father supremely good, Beauty of all things beautiful. To Thee will I intrust whatsoever I have received from Thee, so shall I lose nothing. Thou madest me for Thyself, and my heart is restless until it reposes in Thee. Amen.

Thank you! 20 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Wisdom from the Church Fathers
