Two keys to help understand Mary and the Holy Spirit

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Why do we yearn so much for the Holy Spirit to take action in our lives? The Holy Spirit is God joining us to God. Take an instant to imagine what our lives and the Earth would be like without the presence of the Holy Spirit? The Earth would be obscure, chaotic and deserted? Our lives would be aride, absurde and unstable. There would be a concrete wall that separated us from Heaven. The Holy Spirit is the one who breaks this barrier that closes us in upon ourselves. He makes us come out of ourselves to be in contact with Heaven. The Holy Spirit IS itself our relation with God!

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through." (Romans 8:26) The Virgin Mary is the person who was the most connected to Heaven during her life on Earth, as she welcomed the Holy Spirit to the point of marrying him. And so she is the one who has lived her life the most fully. Let us fix our eyes upon her and let her teach us about the Holy Spirit.

Why and how was she filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit? She always kept herself free of sin and stayed immaculate. Of course we were not born without sin, and Jesus does not expect us to be like her. Jesus wants us to learn from her, His blessed mother.

We can learn 2 things from her life to help us welcome the Holy Spirit:

  • The first lesson is that sin and the Holy Spirit cannot live under the same roof. Mary was "full of grace" because she was immaculate. If we live according to the instincts of pride, egoism, and the flesh, we cannot be filled with God.
  • The second lesson is to understand how Mary resisted sin. Of course she was born without sin, but she had many occasions to be sinful but she didn't fall into the trap. How did she do it and not fall into the trap like Eve? 

Eve wanted to be "like God" but Mary wanted to "serve God". The secret to resisting to sin is to see ourselves as little before our Father. He is the reason for our life and it is through Him that we exist and continue to exist. We also have to have the desire to want to serve Him, to make Him pleased through the good and the bad, and last but not least to be ready to leave everything behind for Him. Only when we have renounced everything that doesn't resemble God, can the Holy Spirit begin to take action in our lives. When the Holy Spirit sees that his dwelling within us is clean and tidy, he will come and fill us with his presence. Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we will become like Mary, clothed by God, "with light and glory" and "sparkling rubies, shining gems, and precious stones." (Isaiah 54:12)

Let us, this week, ask the Holy Spirit to come visit our pray life so that his presence will be the bridge between our little lives and the throne of Great King. Let the Holy Spirit fill us with his presence just as Mary "under his shadow" (Luke 2) did so as to let the baby Jesus be part of our lives in this new year.

Practical Advice

Reread the two keys above to a life filled with the Holy Spirit and then take a good look at yourself with a profound examen of conscience.

Place yourself before God, and try to join your heart to the Light of His Heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the way. Nothing would make Him more pleased! If you have a spiritual director, do not hesitate to talk to them about it so that they can help you see what obstacles you may still have that prevent you from being filled with the Holy Spirit. Ask God to truly forgive you for this.

By doing so, you will hear the voice of John the Baptist "calling in the wilderness", 'Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him, Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. (Luke 3: 4-5). and your soul will be ready to receive the Savoir.

Meet the Challenge!

What about going to see a priest this week and confess all the blockages you have concerning the Holy Spirit? The blood of Christ will run through you and the Holy Spirit will purify your heart and make it, his home!

Let's pray

Holy Father, I ask for your forgiveness for all of the blockages that I have in my life that prevent me from opening up to the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ, the lamb of God without sin who died for me, cleanse me! I solemny swear to reject everything that drives me to sin, starting with my egoism that cuts me off from You. Baptise me Lord with your Spirit of humility, of smallness; make my soul resemble that of the Blessed Mother Mary. Make me like a small child again. Come Holy Spirit and fill me; there is a place for you. Fill me with the prayer of Jesus and intercede for me. Amen! Alleluia! 

A little extra!

Matt Mayher "Glory - Let there be peace!"

Community prayer

Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And let us not enter into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen

Thank you! 24 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Come Holy Spirit!
