Day One - The sin and the torment

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Daily verse:

For if he were not expecting that those who had fallen would rise again, it would have been superfluous and foolish to pray for the dead. But if he was looking to the splendid reward that is laid up for those who fall asleep in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Therefore he made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin - 2 Maccabees 12:44-45


On this first day of the Novena, let us remember our sins. Let us remember also that the Blessed Souls in Purgatory endure the reflection that their sins in life are the cause of their actual torment. 

Lord, we thank you for Your mercy and Your compassion. Grant us the grace of perseverance. 


Let us commend to Jesus Christ and His holy Mother the souls in Purgatory, in particular those of our relatives, benefactors, friends, and enemies; especially those for whom we are bound to pray; and let us offer the following considerations and prayers for them, pondering over the great sufferings which these spouses of Christ endure.

O Jesus, my Savior, I have so often deserved to be cast into Hell; how great were my suffering if I were now cast away and obliged to think that that I, myself, had cause my damnation! I thank Thee for the patience with which Thou hast endured me. My God, I love Thee above all things and I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee because Thou art infinite goodness. I will rather die than offend Thee again. Grant me the grace of perseverance; have pity on me, and at the same time on those Blessed Souls suffering in Purgatory. O Mary, Mother of God, come to their assistance with thy powerful intercession.

Our Father...

Hail Mary...

On Thy Spouses have compassion,
On these suffering children Thine;
Make these Holy Souls partakers
Of Thy happiness Divine.

(Recommend yourself to the Souls in Purgatory and mention your intentions here) 

Blessed Souls, I have prayed for thee; I entreat thee, who are so dear to God, and who are secure of never losing Him, to pray for me, miserable sinner, who is in danger of being damned, and of losing God forever. Amen.

Pray the O Most Sweet Jesus prayer by clicking on the button "Pray" below. 

Picture: Inuit Christian Cemetery in Greenland, by P.Léon.

Community prayer

O Most Sweet Jesus

O most sweet Jesus, through the bloody sweat which Thou didst suffer in the Garden of Gethsemane, have mercy on these Blessed Souls. Have mercy on them, O Lord, have mercy on them. O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer during Thy most cruel scourging, have mercy on them. Have mercy on them, O Lord. O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer in Thy most painful crowning with thorns, have mercy on them. Have mercy on them, O Lord. O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer in carrying Thy cross to Calvary, have mercy on them. Have mercy on them, O Lord. O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer during Thy most cruel Crucifixion, have mercy on them. Have mercy on them, O Lord. O most sweet Jesus, through the pains which Thou didst suffer in Thy most bitter agony on the Cross, have mercy on them. Have mercy on them, O Lord. O most sweet Jesus, through the immense pain which Thou didst suffer in breathing forth Thy Blessed Soul, have mercy on them. Have mercy on them, O Lord.

Thank you! 83 people prayed


Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Novena for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
