DAY 1 : Novena to the Holy Spirit

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The inspiring thought

Furthermore, let us produce worthy fruits of penance. Let us also love our neighbours as ourselves. Let us have charity and humility. Let us give alms because these cleanse our souls from the stains of sin. Men lose all the material things they leave behind them in this world, but they carry with them the reward of their charity and the alms they give. For these they will receive from the Lord the reward and recompense they deserve. We must not be wise and prudent according to the flesh. Rather we must be simple, humble and pure. We should never desire to be over others. Instead, we ought to be servants who are submissive to every human being for God's sake. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on all who live in this way and persevere in it to the end. He will permanently dwell in them. They will be the Father's children who do his work. They are the spouses, brothers and mothers of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This excerpt is from a letter by St. Francis of Assisi (Opuscula, edit. Quaracchi 1949, 87-94) 

Chaplet of the Holy Spirit:

O God, come to my assistance.
O Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory be to the Father…

In each mystery ask for a gift of the Holy Spirit.

Repeat this prayer seven times:
“Father, in the Name of Jesus, send forth your Spirit and renew the world.”
Conclude with :
“O Mary, who by the work of the Holy Spirit, conceived the Savior, pray for us.

The seven mysteries invoking the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit:

1- Come, O Spirit of Wisdom, detach us from earthly things and infuse in us a love and taste of heavenly things.
Father, in the Name of Jesus…O Mary, …
2- Come, O Spirit of Understanding, enlighten our minds with the light of your eternal truth and the riches of holy thoughts.
Father, in the Name…O Mary, …
3- Come, O Spirit of Counsel, make us docile to your inspirations and guide us in the way of salvation.
Father, in the Name…O Mary, …
4- Come, O Spirit of Fortitude , and give us strength, constancy and victory in the battle against our spiritual enemies.
Father, in the Name…O Mary, …
5- Come, O Spirit of Knowledge, be the Master of our souls and help us to put into practice Your teachings.
Father, in the Name…O Mary, …
6- Come, O Spirit of Piety, come to live in our heart to possess and sanctify all of our affections.
Father, in the Name…O Mary, …
7- Come, O Spirit of the Fear of the Lord, reign over our will and make us always disposed to suffer every evil rather than to sin.
Father, in the Name…O Mary, …

Invocation to Mary:
O most pure Virgin Mary, by your Immaculate Conception you were made a chosen tabernacle of Divinity by the Holy Spirit. Pray for us.

May the Divine Paraclete come soon to renew the face of the earth.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
O most pure Virgin Mary, by the Mystery of the Incarnation you became true Mother of God by the Holy Spirit. Pray for us.

May the Divine Paraclete come soon to renew the face of the earth.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
O most pure Virgin Mary, persevering in prayer with the Apostles in the Upper Room, you were abundantly inflamed by the Holy Spirit. Pray for us:

May the Divine Paraclete come soon to renew the face of the earth.
Hail Mary, full of grace…

Let us pray:
Send Your Spirit, Lord, and transform us interiorly with Your gifts. Create in us a new heart that we may please You and be conformed to Your will. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The prayer of the novena

Press "Pray" to conclude this day of the novena: the prayer of the novena will load!

Community prayer

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, third Person of the Blessed Trinity, Spirit of truth, love and holiness, proceeding from the Father and the Son, and equal to Them in all things, I adore You and love You with all my heart. Dearest Holy Spirit, confiding in your deep, personal love for me, I am making this novena for the following request, if it should be Your holy Will to grant it: (mention your request). Teach me, Divine Spirit, to know and seek my last end; grant me the holy fear of God; grant me true contrition and patience. Do not let me fall into sin. Give me an increase of faith, hope, and charity, and bring forth in my soul all the virtues proper to my state of life. Make me a faithful disciple of Jesus and an obedient child of the Church. Give me efficacious grace sufficient to keep the commandments and to receive the sacraments worthily. Give me the four Cardinal Virtues, Your Seven Gifts, Your Twelve Fruits. Raise me to perfection in the state of life to which You have called me and lead me through a happy death to everlasting life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thank you! 485 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Preparation for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit
