Day 9 : A model for today : Let's pray with Josemaría Escrivá

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A role-model for today

John Paul II, when he canonised Josémaria Escriva, precised that his message had  "abundant and fruitful implications for the evangelical mission of the Church"»

He strenghtens the christianisation of the world "from the inside", showing there cannot be any conflict between the divine law and the demands of an authentic human progress. He pushes Christians to act in the places where the future society is being built nowadays. The active presence of laymen, in all professions and at the most advanced boundaries of development, can contribute only in a positive way to reinforce this harmony between faith and culture, that our world is so much in need of. Josemaría was chosen by the Lord to announce the universel calling for holiness and to show that daily life, ordinary activities, are a way to sanctification. It could be possible to say that he was a saint of ordinary life. He was indeed convinced that, for someone that lived in the logic of faith, everything offers an occasion to meet God, everything becomes an encouragement to pray. Seen this way, daily life reveals an unsuspected greatness.

Holiness finds itself really reachable for everyone.

Let's pray with Josemaría Escrivá

(excerpts from the Way of the Cross)

My God, make me hate sin, and unify with You, gripping the Holy Cross, so that I can my turn accomplish Your very lovely Will... deprived from any terrestrial link, with the only target of Your glory... with generosity, without keeping anything to myself, offering myself with You in a perfect holocaust. Way of the Cross

 "I'm worth nothing, i cannot do anything, I own nothing... " But You got onto the Cross so that I can own Your infinite merits. And on the Cross I collect too -they belong to me because I am his son – the merits of the Mother of God, and those of Saint Joseph. And I take the vertues of the saints and those of so many souls that give themselves to God... And then I cast a glance at my life and I say : Ah ! My God, what a dark night it is ! From time to time, a few lighten points shine, by the action of Your great mercy and from a bit of my correspondence... I offer You all this, Lord : I don't have anything else.

Community prayer

Prayer by saint JM Escrivá (from "The Forge")

Lord, we are glad to find ourselves in your wounded palm. Grasp us tight, squeeze us hard, make us lose all our earthly wretchedness, purify us, set us on fire, make us feel drenched in your Blood. And then, cast us far, far away, hungry for the harvest, to sow the seed more fruitfully each day, for Love of you.

Thank you! 40 people prayed


Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Let's pray for 9 days with St. Josemaría Escrivá
