St. Joseph, Pray for the Sick!

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Saint-Joseph's Church in Clermont-Ferrand (France) 

Benevolent Joseph, the Son of God placed
his life in your hands.
With Mary, you cared for Him who is the force of life.
May your compassion enfold our fragility, bringing us
the comfort of the divine presence.

We join with you in prayer, saying :
« Lord Jesus, Son of Living God, say a word for our healing ! »

Make us sensitive to the illnesses of those close to us.
Support our efforts and grant us courage in the fight
against all evil.

(Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal)

Community prayer

Memorare to Saint Joseph

Remember, O most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, my beloved Patron, that never it has been heard that anyone invoked your patronage and sought your aid without being comforted. Inspired by this confidence I come to you and fervently commend myself to you. Despise not my petition, O dearest foster father of our Redeemer, but accept it graciously. Amen.

Thank you! 123 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Let's pray to saint Joseph every day!
