Sacrifices for others

“…on another occasion, when I” was engaged in the laundry, the sister who was washing handkerchiefs opposite me, kept splashing me all the time with dirty water.  My first impulse was to draw away and wipe my face in order to show that I wanted her to be more careful.  The next moment, however, I saw the folly of refusing treasures so generously offered, and I carefully refrained from betraying any annoyance.  On the contrary, I made so great efforts to welcome the shower of dirty water that at the end of half an hour I had taken quite a fancy to the novel kind of aspersion and resolved to return as often as possible to the place where such precious treasures were freely being bestowed.”

Lord Jesus, inspire us, like St Therese was inspired, by the example of her life, to make willingly and happily such sacrifices as will endear you to us and also bring souls to you. Amen.

Taken from the diary of St Therese

Community prayer

The Little Flower's Prayer

My God, I offer you all that I do today for the intentions and the glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I want to sanctify every beat of my heart, my thoughts and my simplest works by uniting them to his infinite merits. I want to repair for my faults by casting them into the furnace of his merciful love. O my God! I ask you for myself and those dear to me the grace to fulfill perfectly your holy will and to accept for love of you the joys and sorrows of this passing life so that one day we may be reunited in Heaven for all eternity. Amen.

Thank you! 164 people prayed

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Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Pray with the Little Flower
