The feast of St Stephen

“Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at God's right hand…. At this, all the members of the council shouted out and stopped their ears with their hands; then they all rushed at him, sent him out of the city and stoned him…. As they were stoning him, Stephen said in invocation, “lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Acts 6.

“Yesterday we celebrated the birth in time of our eternal King.  Today we celebrate the triumphant suffering of his soldier…. Love was Stephen's weapon by which he gained every battle and so won the crown signified by his name.  His love of God kept him from yielding to the ferocious mob; his love for his neighbour made him pray for those who were stoning him.  Love inspired him to reprove those who erred, to make them amend; love led him to pray for those who stoned him, to save them from punishment.  Strengthened by the power of his love, he overcame the raging cruelty of Saul and won his persecutor on earth as his companion in heaven….My brothers, Christ made love the stairway that would enable all Christians to club to heaven.  Hold fast to it, therefore, in all sincerity, give one another practical proof of it, and by your progress in it, make your ascent together.  ” 

From a sermon of st Fulgentius of Ruspe.

Prayer response: Lord Jesus, I love you and I want to love you above all things, like St Stephen did.  Teach me to proclaim you and to forgive and love those who do not yet belong to you and who would do me harm because I challenge their lifestyle.  Give me more love for you, for Our Blessed Mother and her spouse, St Joseph, your father on earth, and more love for all those around me, please, Lord.  May the ears of my love hear the voice of your love so clearly that the sound melts into me and changes me into who you want me to be.  May I be yours forever.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Community prayer

Glory Be

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Thank you! 94 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


A Prayer A Day
