Novena to St. Monica against Violence

There is no excuse for violence whether be it physical or verbal, against women or children and even men. Violence at home and on the streets is skyrocketing today. St. Monica can help!

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Why we urgently need St. Monica

Violence is everywhere today whether be it in the home, on the streets of our cities, where we work, or out right war between civilians ! It is urgent that we pray that people find another way of dealing with stress and solving problems. St. Monica is waiting to intercede and answer our prayers as she suffered from violence her entire life. She believed that God would answer her prayers, change and heal the hearts for those she prayed for. God answered her prayers in a totally unexpected way. Let us turn to St. Monica and ask her to bring peace to each of us, to everyone around us and eventually around the world. 

Who is St. Monica?

St. Monica is a very powerful intercessor for all those to go to her for help.  She can heal the most stubborn and wicked of hearts. She had three children, two boys and a girl – Augustine, Navigius and Perpetua. Augustine was always in trouble and very lazy.  Through the constant prayers of his mother he finally converted and is known today as St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church and a highly revered Saint, philosopher and theologian. 

Sorrow played a big part in the life of Saint Monica; the sorrow of a loving wife for a harsh husband and a devoted mother to a wayward son. Life was not kind to Saint Monica. Her husband, Patritius, was harsh and unfaithful. Monica bore her difficulties with patient cheerfulness and her conduct profoundly influenced Patritius, finally bringing him to the gift of faith twenty years later.

Each Day of the Novena

You will receive each day, for 9 consecutive days, an intention, a daily prayer and the prayer of peace by St. Francis. Let us first look at ourselves and ask St. Monica to intercede and heal each of us from the violence and hatred within. Then let us ask for her intercession for our families, nation and world that we live in.

Day 1 : Today we pray for women and men who are victims of domestic violence, may God help them free themselves from abuse and live safely in the peace of Christ.

Day 2 : Today we pray for children traumatized by violence;  may God protect them from the violence, free them from the abuse and heal their wounds.

Day 3 : Today we pray for all men and women who abuse their partners, whether physically, emotionally, economically or sexually, may God help them recognize their abusive behaviour and find help to turn lives around and be instruments of peace.

Day 4 : Today we pray for our community of faith, that we become as compassionate and sensitive toward victims of violence as Jesus would be.

Day 5 :  Today we pray for all victims of domestic violence, may they feel neither guilt nor shame but have the courage to seek help in order to free themselves from abuse.

Day 6 : Today we pray for those who witness domestic violence – especially children – that they may understand that violence is never an expression of love, is never acceptable and must never be imitated.

Day 7 : Today we pray for victims of domestic violence – those who suffer emotional, physical or sexual abuse – at the hands of a loved one, we pray for a cessation of the violence and for help and support for the victim and perpetrator.

Day 8 : Today we pray for our families, may they know God's love and may they share this love with kindness and consideration for one another, free from abuse and controlling behaviours.

Day 9 : Today we pray for all of us and our parish that we might not judge victims of domestic violence but offer them the support they need to free themselves from abuse.

Novena prayer

Peace Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.