Novena to the Black Nazarene

Join this powerful 9-day novena and bring your difficulties and sufferings to the Lord. The Black Nazarene is a symbol of hope and resilience.


What is the Black Nazarene?

The Black Nazarene statue is a depiction of Jesus en route to his crucifixion, carrying his cross.

The wooden statue was carved by an unknown Mexican sculptor from a dark wood in the 16th century in Mexico and then transported to the Philippines in 1606.                    

The Black Nazarene is the most popular object of devotion for Filipino Catholics.

For more than 400 years, the historical and iconic statue of Jesus carrying his cross has become an emblem of passion, struggle and faith for Filipino Catholics.

How is it celebrated?

Every January 9, the Traslación (procession) of the Black Nazarene makes its way along the streets of the Quiapo district in the Philippine capital Manila. he Black Nazarene image is brought out of the shrine for public veneration three times a year. On New Year's Day, it is brought out to begin a novena that leads up to the January 9 feast.

Join the devotion through this novena

Join the million of pilgrims and undertake an online pilgrimage to enter into the Paschal mystery of Christ.  

Join the novena online, for free, and receive each day, by email:

  • The act of contrition
  • A Bible passage to reflect on
  • A prayer
  • The litany of the Blood of Christ

During this novena, offer the Lord your sufferings and bodily penance. Bring your poverty and daily struggles to the Passion of Christ as represented by the image.

The image shows Christ standing up after the fall. Christ does not give up in carrying His cross! He stood up after each fall. The Black Nazarene is a symbol of hope and resilience. 

Msgr. Jose Clemente Ignacio, the Parish Priest of Quiapo:

I myself had witnessed numerous miracles which Our Lord of the Black Nazarene has done to peoples.

So, why are devotees growing? Fr. Tony de Castro, SJ was right when he said, “It is the Black Nazarene!” I would like to express what the disciples of Jesus said when he appeared to them after the resurrection: “It is the Lord!” It is the Lord who is alive and present in the Shrine at Quiapo! It is the Lord who does all these miracles and answers the prayers of those who come to Him! It is the Lord who has that special affection to the poor and the weak who come to Him in Quiapo! It is the Lord who appears to people in dreams or calls them through events in their lives so that He could embrace them and save them! It is the Lord who loves and builds this Church in Quiapo! This is the experience of the devotees and we could understand why the people come to Quiapo and why some are even willing to risk their lives in such a dangerous procession.

The life-size statue of Christ is located in the minor basilica popularly known as the Quiapo Church, located in the Manila, the capital of the Philippines.

Novena prayer

Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And let us not enter into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen