Marian Procession

2020 Multicultural Online Marian Procession and Mass


Join us for the 2020 Multicultural Online Marian Procession and Mass

Traditionally within the Catholic Church, the month of October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary.

Due to COVID restrictions, the 2020 Marian procession will take place online. Led by our ethnic communities, the event is an opportunity for all to pray the Rosary together.

We encourage participants to gather online in hubs with members of their local parishes, their families, friends, or just individually to pray the Rosary during the week leading up to the celebration of the live-streamed Multicultural Mass Sunday 25 October.

Each day we will post a video of members from the communities within our Archdiocese praying a decade of the Rosary.

Sunday 18 October: Archbishop Christopher Prowse begins online Rosary.  

Monday 19 October: Joyful Mysteries: Annunciation (Korean Community)

Tuesday 20 October: Sorrowful Mysteries: The Carrying of the Cross (Filipino Community)

Wednesday 21 October: Glorious Mysteries: The Assumption (African Community)

Thursday 22 October: Illuminous Mysteries: Wedding at Cana (Vietnamese Community)

Friday 23 October: Sorrowful Mysteries: The Crucifixion of Jesus (Syro Malabar Community)

Saturday 24 October: Joyful Mysteries: Nativity (Tongan Community)

Sunday 25 October: 
Youth focused Marian Reflections (10-11am: Youth Ministry)
Live-streamed Multicultural Mass (11am from St Christopher's Cathedral, Canberra Australia) 

Retreat prayer

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace. Our Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.