Novena to St Padre Pio

Journey 9 Days with St. Padre Pio in preparation for his feast day.


Who is Padre Pio?

Padre Pio (1887-1968), a Capuchin priest, is probably one of the saints whose life is the most extraordinary in the history of the Church: he is the only priest to have received and borne the stigmata of Our Lord for more than 50 years.

Beatified by John Paul II on 2 May 1999 and canonised on 16 June 2002, Padre Pio is celebrated on 23 September, with the "obligatory degree" according to the liturgical memory.

Pope Benedict XV, during the saint's lifetime, in 1921 already declared : 

Truly Padre Pio is an extraordinary man, one of those whom God sends to earth from time to time, to convert men.

For 9 days...

Each day, with a different theme, will allow us to deepen the fundamentals of our Christian faith, with simplicity and depth.

Day 1 - Love for Jesus

Day 2 - Abandonment and Confidence in God

Day 3 - Prayer

Day 4 - The Eucharist

Day 5 - Our Heavenly Mother 

Day 6 - Suffering

Day 7 - Temptations

Day 8 - Reconciliation

Day 9 (Feast of Padre Pio) - The Guardian Angel

Every day, you will receive...

- 1 short scripture passage,

- 1 short meditation from the writings of St. Padre Pio,

- 1 prayer intention for the day

✝ Prayer is the oxygen of the soul.

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And Click here to leave your prayer intention.

Novena prayer

Glory be

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.