Our Lady Untier of Knots

Join us in praying the novena to Our Lady Untier of Knots, a devotion beloved by Pope Francis himself. Entrust the knots in your life to Our Lady and ask her to untie them with this novena.


The Novena

📿 For nine days, pray the rosary alongside the meditations to Our Lady Untier of Knots.

💙 Consider the knots in your life, any difficulties and pain you're experiencing, and take them to Our Lady.

❓ If you need help praying the rosary, find a quick guide here.

Pope Francis and Our Lady Untier of Knots

When Pope Francis was a student, he visited Germany and discovered the devotion to Our Lady Untier of Knots, which he promptly began to spread across his native Latin America.  In a homily, the then Cardinal Bergoglio said:

"We all have knots, or deficiencies in our hearts, and we go through difficulties. God, our good Father, who distributes his grace to all of his children, wants us to trust Her, to entrust to Her the knots of our sins, the tangles of our miseries that prevent us from uniting ourselves with God, to allow Her to untie them and bring us to Her son Jesus.”

The novena that defeats the devil

The novena to Mary untier of knots is also known as the novena “that defeats the devil.” In fact, according to the Capuchin exorcist Fr Cipriano de Meo, it was the devil himself, during an exorcism, who confessed that it was that novena - recited by the wife of a possessed man - which destroyed the murderous plan concerning her unfortunate husband. From that moment the exorcist advised all of his “patients” to pray to Mary precisely through this unique devotion that destroys the plans of the devil.

Our Lady's power to untie knots

"The knot of Eve's disobedience found a solution through the obedience of Mary. That which Eve had bound by her incredulity, Mary untied by her faith." (St Irenaeus)

Mary, the new Eve, crushes the head of the serpent with her foot, fulfilling and making present the prophecy made to the serpent in Genesis: “She shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel” (Gn 3:15).

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This novena comes from the Catholic Truth Society booklet Our Lady Untier of Knots, where you can learn the history and details of this devotion.

Novena prayer

Prayer to Our Lady Untier of Knots

Virgin Mary, Mother of fair Love, Mother who has never abandoned a child who cries for help, Mother whose hands work without ceasing for her children so beloved, because they are impelled by divine love and by the infinite mercy that issues from your heart, turn to me your gaze of compassion. Look at the many “knots” of my life. You know my desperation and my pain. You know how these “knots” paralyse me, Mary, Mother charged by God with untying the “knots” of the lives of your children, I place the ribbon of my life in your hands. In your hands there is no “knot” that may not be untied. Almighty Mother, with your grace and power of intercession with your Son Jesus, my Saviour, receive today this “knot” (name it if possible...). For the glory of God I ask you to untie it and to untie it always. I hope in you. You are the only consoler that God has given me. You are the strength of my precarious powers, the richness of my miseries, the liberation of all that prevents me from being with Christ. Accept my plea. Preserve me, guide me, protect me, be my refuge. Mary untier of knots, pray for me.