Healing of Cancer: Novena to St. Peregrine

Let us pray to Saint Peregrine for those suffering from cancer. Let us ask Our Lord to give them the support, strength and courage they need to face their trial.


The Program of The Novena:

Everyday you will receive by email and in your prayer space:

  • A biblical verse
  • A daily prayer
  • The prayer to Saint Peregrine

Start this novena by clicking the "join" button!

Get to know Saint Peregrine:

Peregrine Laziosi was born in around 1265 in the city of Forlì, Italy.

In 1282, a rebellion broke out in Forlì, which was then part of the Papal States. The growing influence of the Ghibelline faction caused great dissent and division among locals. Soon, the city was prohibited from practicing and celebrating the Holy Sacraments, from November 18th, 1282 until the restoration of Papal Power on May 28th, 1283.

During the interdict, Saint Philip Benizi (+1285), Prior General of the Servite Friars, visited his colleagues in Forlì and tried to bring the locals back to communion with the Pope, but without success. A group of people hit him and chased him out of the city. Among the abusers was the young Peregrine, who struck the Friar with force. However, he was deeply moved by the peaceful attitude of the holy man, who, instead of retaliating, prayed for his persecutors.

Full of remorse, Peregrine humbly came back to ask for his forgiveness. He converted and later asked to join the Servite Order in Siena. After a few years, he returned to Forlì, to the priory of the Servites, where he led a life of prayer, penance, and embraced a spirit of mercy.

In 1325,  he was afflicted with cancer in his right leg, leaving him no other choice but to amputate it. The night before the operation he dragged himself to the chapter room, at the foot of a painting of the crucified Christ, where he prayed and asked Him for healing. The pain was so intense that he lost consciousness, and, in his dream, he saw Christ descend from the Cross to touch his sick leg. Upon waking up, he saw that his leg was completely cured.

He died of a high fever twenty years later, on May 1, 1345.

St. Peregrine Laziosi was canonised by Dominican Pope Benedict XIII on December 27th, 1726.  His body now rests in the Basilica  of Saint Pellegrino Laziosi. His Feast Day is celebrated on May 1st.

Source: Adapted from the novena broadcasted by the Saint Peregine Sanctuary of Montreal, Canada.

Novena prayer

Prayer to Saint Peregrine

O Glorious Saint Peregrine, apostle of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, you whose Faith was so great, that it got you everything you asked of God, you whose humility was so deep, that you accepted to be a priest only on the orders of your superiors, you whose patience was so perfect, that you ask Jesus Crucified to cure you of your cancer and to leave you suffering from it, by the ineffable joys that you taste now as a reward for your virtues and your submission to the Will of God , put in our hearts and souls these dispositions of Faith, humility and submission to divine goodwill so that we can obtain from the omnipotence of God. (Express the favors that one wishes to obtain….) To whom would we have recourse, if not to you who carried our infirmities in your flesh, you on whom Our Lord Himself bent over to heal you. The example of your life and your virtues will bring us near to Our Lady, who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, and thus we will obtain what we ask for. Through Jesus, Christ, our Lord. Amen.