St. Michael Novena

This is how you can fight your battle! The Chaplain of Mont-Saint-Michel invites you on a spiritual pilgrimage: let us pray to Saint Michael to protect our country and our personal battles.

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Join the Novena that gathered around 22 000 French participants in 2018: now available in English!

 9 Days on a Spiritual Pilgrimage 

Saint Michael is celebrated on the 29th September.

To prepare for his Feast Day, we invite you to unite in prayer with this novena. The Chaplain of Mont-Saint-Michel shares with us the spiritual riches of this world-renowned place of pilgrimage …

Surround Yourself with Saint Michael's Protection and Receive Each Day:

  • A Bible passage
  • A short meditation on the text of the day
  • Prayer intentions 
  • A short passage from “The Wisdom of the Pilgrim” by Anselm GRÜN
  • A different pilgrim's prayer every day

How to register?

To register, click “join” on the top right corner of the webpage. Also, we are counting on you to invite your friends pray this novena.

Program of The Novena

  • 1st day: Entering in thanksgiving
  • 2nd day: Who is like God?
  • 3rd day: Lead the good battle of faith
  • 4th day: Stand firm in hope
  • 5th day: The urgency of charity
  • 6th day: Rooting oneself in prayer
  • 7th day: A eucharistic life
  • 8th day: In the heart of the Church
  • 9th day: Becoming a missionary disciple
  • Prayer is the greatest defence of the soul” - Saint Augustine

Novena prayer

Prayer to Saint Michael by Pope Leo XIII

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.