Padre Pio's Meditation

Receive three St Padre Pio quotes per week, a monthly Rosary (or just one decade) and occasional testimonies, initiatives and encounter God more deeply through Our Lady and Saint Padre Pio.


Receive Padre Pio's quotes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with once a month an audio track with a Rosary decade or a  Rosary (five decades) video, and occasionally some testimonies, initiatives... 

How to register?  It's free! click “Join” on the top right corner of the webpage. Also, we are counting on you to invite your friends.

Try to confess your sins regularly. A meditation: " Jesus says: "Do not be afraid, I love you. Give me the joy to forgive you in the sacrament of confession/reconciliation. Ask my priest to guide you" ". 

For serious sins we all need (and so we recommend) to unburden ourselves (confess these serious sins) in the sacrament of Confession as soon as possible.

If you need help to prepare to go to Confession and receive God's love and mercy/forgiveness and to know how to be ready to receive Holy Communion worthily (i.e. we need to be in the state of grace,...) see, and "Who Can Receive Holy Communion?" see 

“His heart is pure, full of love for God, Mama Mary, the Church. Maybe that's why it never decomposed.” Fr Gonda

Padre Pio's intercession

People generally ask Padre Pio's prayers for protection or healing graces, yet any kind of petition for grace should be laid before the Padre – for oneself or for a relative.   

If it's not already part of your life we invite you to pray with the heart one Rosary (5 decades) or more per day or at least one decade of the Rosary per day (i.e: one Our Father and ten Hail Mary, while meditating on a mystery of the rosary). For help how to meditate the mysteries please click on this link HERE, or HERE (audio meditations).
To pray with us, find our audio decades on those links:

-    The Annunciation, led by Br Seraphim Marie

-    The Visitation, led by Br Seraphim Marie

-   The Nativity led by Br Seraphim Marie, Fr. Bernardino Maria and the children of the Youth Club.

-   The Presentation, led by Br Seraphim Marie

-   The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple, led by Br Seraphim Marie

Under 18s, we encourage you to pray at least one Hail Mary per day.

Try to confess your sins regularly. A meditation: " Jesus says: "Do not be afraid, I love you. Give me the joy to forgive you in the sacrament of confession/reconciliation. Ask my priest to guide you" ". 

For serious sins we all need (and so we recommend) to unburden ourselves (confess these serious sins) in the sacrament of Confession as soon as possible. 

If you need help to prepare to go to Confession and receive God's love and mercy/forgiveness and to know how to be ready to receive Holy Communion worthily (i.e. we need to be in the state of grace,...) see, and "Who Can Receive Holy Communion?" see 

Video: pray with us the Rosary's joyful mysteries.

Video: pray with us the Rosary's Luminous mysteries.

Video: pray with us the Rosary's sorrowful mysteries.  

Video: pray with us the Rosary's glorious mysteries.

Who are the Franciscans Friars of the Renewal?

This online retreat is lead by the Franciscans Friars of the Renewal from Limerick.

Learn more about them, through their website.

And visit their Facebook page “Limerick Franciscans”.


The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal were founded in 1987, in the Archdiocese of New York, when eight American Capuchins desired a form of Franciscan life dedicated specifically to service of the poor and evangelization. Currently, there are about 100 perpetually professed members of the institute serving in 10 dioceses and archdioceses, in six countries, committed to the mission of serving the poor and most vulnerable, and passionately preaching the Gospel in the New Evangelization. The Holy See describes the Institute's charism: “After the manner of St. Francis of Assisi, the friars seek to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, as a prophetic witness that life is a pilgrimage to the Father, of faith, hope, and love of God and neighbour, made possible by the Holy Spirit. They participate in Christ's renewal of all things through their prayer, fraternal life, service of the poor, and evangelization, as a complement to the work of those whose mission is to serve parochially.”


Community prayer

Prayer of Pope John Paul II to St. Padre Pio

Teach us, we pray, humility of heart, so that we may be counted among the little ones of the Gospel to whom the Father promised to reveal the mysteries of His Kingdom. Help us to pray without ceasing, certain that God knows what we need even before we ask Him. Obtain for us the eyes of faith that will help us recognize in the poor and suffering, the very face of Jesus. Sustain us in the hour of trouble and trial and, if we fall, let us experience the joy of the sacrament of forgiveness (Confession). Grant us your tender devotion to Mary, mother of Jesus and our Mother. Accompany us on our earthly pilgrimage toward the blessed Homeland, where we too, hope to arrive to contemplate forever the Glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen