Novena to Mary with St. Maximilian Kolbe

Join us for this novena to our Mother Mary, under the guidance of the devoted Marian Apostle, St. Maximilian Kolbe.


Content of the Novena:

Every day, during the Novena, you'll be receiving:

  • The Opening Prayer.
  • Readings from the writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe.
  • Prayer intentions.
  • A meditation.
  • The Closing Prayer. 

Why a Solemn Novena with St. Maximilian Kolbe? 

St. Maximilian Kolbe was very active in promoting the Immaculate Virgin Mary and is known as the Apostle of Consecration to Mary.

Much of his life was strongly influenced by a vision he had of the Virgin Mary when he was 12: "That night I asked the Mother of God what was to become of me. Then she came to me holding two crowns, one white, the other red. She asked me if I was willing to accept either of these crowns. The white one meant that I should persevere in purity and the red that I should become a martyr. I said that I would accept them both."

Later, St. Maximilian joined the Conventual Franciscans and organized the Militia Immaculata (Army of the Immaculate One) after having witnessed demonstrations against Pope St. Pius X and Benedict XV. His goal was to work for the conversion of sinners and enemies of the Church with the intercession of Mary.

After being ordained priest, he continued to promote the Blessed Virgin throughout his country, Poland. 

Until the last day of his life, St. Maximilian never ceased to manifest a profound devotion to Our Lady. While he was imprisoned in  Auschwitz after issuing anti-Nazi publications, he led daily prayers to Mary with the prisoners, according to several witness accounts. He was executed on August 14, after volunteering to take the place of another prisoner, who had a family. His remains were cremated on August 15, on the Assumption of Mary Solemnity.

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The Immaculate Conception, by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, CC0 Public Domain. 


The website of the Militia of the Immaculata for the writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe. 

Novena prayer

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace. Our Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.