Novena to Saint Charbel - At the service of others

Start the novena whenever you want!

Let us serve our fellow man, at the example of St. Charbel.

With Saint Charbel

SOS Chrétiens d'Orient invites you to discover the life of this great Lebanese Saint, celebrated on July 24th in the West. Following his example, may we found ourselves more attentive to our fellow man. We entrust to St. Charbel's protection all the people who dedicate themselves this summer to those in need, especially the volunteers of SOS Chrétiens d'Orient.

Missionaries live alongside those Christians who have nothing and share their sorrows and joys. Let us pray, through Saint Charbel, that more similar missions will take place successfully and that the Christians of Middle-East grow in hope.

The content of the novena

Every day, in addition to the prayer of the novena, you'll receive an excerpt from the book of Fr. Hanna Skandar, "St. Charbel seen by his contemporaries": the text will describe a period of the saint's life and illustrate one of his virtues.
You'll also find a daily intention of prayer.

The nine days of the novena 

1st day: Saint Charbel, the worker

2nd day: Saint-Charbel, the service with joy

3rd day: Saint-Charbel and the love for his fellow man

4th day: Saint Charbel and his trust in God

5th day: Saint Charbel and the souls of Purgatory

6th day: Saint Charbel and visitor reception

7th day: Saint Charbel and sanctity

8th day: Saint Charbel and miracles

9th day: Saint Charbel and the love of the Eucharist - his last mass 

SOS Chrétiens d'Orient in a few words

In the three years of its existence, SOS Chrétiens d'Orient has established a long-term presence in the Middle East, carrying out emergency relief as well as actions to help persecuted populations settle back on their land. The association is regularly invited to United Nations coordination meetings and works in partnership with civilian authorities and several Eastern Churches. More than 1 000 volunteers served in the Middle-East.

Active in more than 60 towns and villages across Middle-Eastern countries (Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt), SOS Chrétiens d'Orient strives to respond to emergencies as quickly as possible. It allocates donors' money with maximum efficiency to remedy to crisis situations.

Novena prayer

Prayer of the novena

God infinitely Holy and glorified in your saints, who inspired the monk and hermit St. Charbel to live and die in a perfect likeness to Jesus, giving him the strength to detach from the world in order to live fully, in his hermitage, the monastic virtues of poverty, obedience and chastity, we beg you to grant us the grace to love you and serve you as he did. Lord Almighty, who has demonstrated the power of the intercession of St. Charbel by many miracles and favors, grant our volunteers the grace of living a beautiful mission and returning home firm in faith, filled with fiery charity. We beseech you by his intercession. Amen. 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be, followed by the invocation "St. Charbel, pray for us."

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