Let us pray with the Saints!

At the School of the Saints! Hozana Team offers to send you, on the occasion of the Greatest Saints Feast, few words about their life and personality, to walk along with them towards God.


The saints are praying for us. Ultimately. the first reality is that we do not pray to them, they are the ones who pray for us relentlessly" Father Michel Morin

My profile, a saint...

By registering to our Hozana website, you may have chosen the image of your favorite Saint. We suppose you'd be happy to have a brief history of the life and personality of some Great Saints available on our website.

This is why we offer you to receive:

  • A beautiful visual or display of the Saint (male or female)
  • The summary or outline of his/her personality
  • And the possibility for you to submit under “comments” personal prayer intentions.

A soul of mediator or conciliator

With Basil the Great of Caesarea, the head and the heart perform in unison! With such a bright intelligence as Trinitarian Theology Specialist and Destroyer of Arianism, he is the Church Doctor and Father like his friend Gregory of Nazianzen.

But Basil also incarnates the concern for the poor, for the marginalized. True precursor of social Christianity, he founded in his diocese public assistance arrangements ahead of his time.

And still Basil, by the Rule he had given to monasteries of the Eastern Church, which was later inspired Saint Benedict for his Western monks, is a hyphen between the two lungs of the Church.

All his life was devoted to the unity of the Church, he was a soul of mediator.

Humbly, let us follow the Saints' footsteps to respond to our Christian vocation andalking together along with them on our journey towards the holiness.

"In this respect, the holiness as the Church worships is the result of active and free participation or involvement, decided by the Saint to the Divine Grace given to him, which transforms him, little by little to the extent of his desire and heart." Brother Sam

Why pray with the Saints?

Just because they are our “elder brothers”, ready to reach us out to climb the mountain. In this ascension that is Faith, we're not alone. The Saints can be this extended hand when we slide, this comforting shoulder when we're sad, this precious friend when we're in doubt.

In this communion, in this "common union", we're part of a big family.

"If Saints are our elder brothers", they have only one desire for us, that we can live and breathe like them, the experience of the fullness of God's love, rewards, beauty and presence. "

- Father Michel Morin

The Saints

  • January 2nd: Saint Basil († 379)
  • January 2nd: Saint Gregory († 390)
  • January 3: St. Genevieve († 512)
  • January 28: St. Thomas Aquinas († 1274)
  • January 31st: Saint John Bosco († 1888)
  • February 18: St. Bernadette († 1879)
  • March 19: Saint Joseph († 1st century)
  • April 7th: Saint John Baptist de La Salle († 1719)
  • April 25: St. Mark the Evangelist († 1st century)
  • April 28: Saint Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort († 1716)
  • April 28: St. Jeanne Beretta Molla († 1962)
  • April 29: St. Catherine of Siena († 1380)
  • May 22: St. Rita († 1457)
  • May 30: St. Joan of Arc († 1431)
  • June 13: Saint Anthony of Padua († 1231)
  • June 24: Saint John the Baptist († 1st century)
  • June 29: Saint Peter († 1st century)
  • June 29: Saint Paul († 1st century)
  • 4th of July: Bx Pier Giorgio Frassati († 1925)
  • July 6: St. Maria Goretti († 1902)
  • July 11: Saint Benedict († 543)
  • July 22: St. Mary Magdalene († 1st century)
  • July 26: St. Anne († 1st century)
  • July 31: Saint Ignatius of Loyola († 1556)
  • August 4: Saint John Marie Vianney († 1859)
  • August 8th: Saint Dominic († 1221)
  • August 11: St. Clare of Assisi († 1253)
  • August 12: Saint Joan of Chantal († 1641)
  • August 14: St. Maximilian Kolbe († 1941)
  • August 20th: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux († 1153)
  • August 25: Saint Louis (King) († 1270)
  • August 28: St. Augustine († 430)
  • September 5: Holy Mother Teresa († 1997)
  • September 13: Saint John Chrysostom († 407)
  • September 17: Saint Hildegard of Bingen († 1179)
  • September 21st: St. Matthew the Evangelist († 1st century)
  • September 23: St. Padre Pio († 1968)
  • September 27: Saint Vincent de Paul († 1660)
  • October 1: Saint Therese of the Child Jesus († 1897)
  • October 4: St. Francis of Assisi († 1226)
  • October 6: St. Faustina († 1938)
  • October 15: Saint Teresa of Avila († 1582)
  • October 18: St. Luke evangelist († 1st century)
  • October 22: Saint John Paul II († 2005)
  • November 5: St. Elizabeth († 1st century)
  • November 11: Saint Martin († 397)
  • November 17: St. Elizabeth of Hungary († 1231)
  • November 28: Saint Catherine Labouré († 1876)
  • December 01: Bx Charles de Foucauld († 1916)
  • December 3: St. Francis Xavier († 1552)
  • December 26: Saint Stephen († 1st century)
  • December 27: Saint John († 1st century)

Community prayer

Our Father

Our Father, Who is in heaven, Holy is Your Name; Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.