Christian Unity Week of prayer

Together we pray for Christian Unity in the World. We pray in union with the Pope, Churches Together and the wider world. Come and join us in this week of prayer.


Together, we pray for Christian Unity throughout the world. 

Here we will have an opening prayer lead by a different member of the Christian Community, a daily verse to ponder from the parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37. We will then have a reflection and some additional scripture to ponder. 

We close with a prayer for unity and suggest some questions for you to ponder throughout the day. 

Come and join us by clicking below.

The Programme

Everyday for 8 days receive:

  • An opening prayer

  • A verse for the day and reflection

  • Optional questions to ponder throughout your day

  • Additional scripture to ponder

The Community of our Lady of Walsingham (COLW)

As a contemplative ecclesial family of men and women

Focused on the fiat of Mary,

We promote a vocational culture

In the Church and in society.

Rooted in the Carmelite tradition

We search for deep inner transformation

So as to radiate Gospel values...

To discover our website, click here.

Retreat prayer

Prayer for Christian Unity

Dear Heavenly Father, We pray that the day may be hastened in which all believers in Christ, gathered around the table of your Word and of your Bread, may praise you with one heart and one voice. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.