Novena for the Dead with Our Lady Liberatrix (also in audio)

Pray for your deceased for 9 days with the Sanctuary of Montligeon and Our Lady Liberatrix! (Also available in audio.)


Your deceased need prayer!

Pray for them for 9 days that they may reach heaven and be with God in his eternal love!

The programme

For 9 days, pray for the deceased and receive on your phone or by email prayers in text and audio:

Day 1: For our loved ones who completed their pilgrimage here on earth, and passed away from old age.

Day 2: For all our brothers and sisters who took their own lives out of despair.

Day 3: For our brothers and sisters who died in accidents.

Day 4: For all our brothers and sisters killed at war, and let us pray for them. 

Day 5: Our deceased brothers and sisters who remitted their spirit into the hands of God consequently to illness. 

Day 6: Recalling the trials our country has been through, let us today pray for all the victims of terrorists attacks. 

Day 7: For parents who lost a child.

Day 8: For unborn children.

Day 9: That at the hour of our death, we may be able to turn to and wholly give ourselves to God, Our Father.

Entrust your prayers

Click here and leave a petition or a prayer intention for your deceased. We will entrust it to the shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon for the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed on 2nd November.

Shrine of Our Lady of Montligeon

The shrine at Montligeon is the world centre of prayer for the departed.

Located in France, it hosts people from all over the world who visit it to entrust their deceased and the souls in purgatory to Our Lady Liberator of the poor souls. It all began with the spiritual intuition of Abbé Buguet. Furthermore, the shrine offers a ministry of compassion, counselling and consolation towards the bereaved

Our Lady Liberatrix

How can the Virgin Mary be a liberator? Jesus Christ alone is indeed the sole mediator between God and men who delivers us from sin. However his Mother is associated with his mission in a very special way. As the Second Vatican Council reminds us (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, n. 62):

“(...) by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation. By her maternal charity, she cares for the brethren of her Son, who still journey on earth surrounded by dangers and difficulties, until they are led into their blessed home”. 

This intercession definitely encompasses Purgatory.

We can therefore pray with faith to Our Lady Liberatrix and invoke her especially for our deceased because Mary helps us today and for the rest of our life to free ourselves from the chains of sin that keep us away from the loving God who patiently awaits us.

Novena prayer

Prayer to Our Lady Liberatrix for the Deceased

Our Lady of Deliverance, Have compassion on all our departed, Especially those who are most in need of the Lord's mercy. Intercede for all those who have gone before us, So that the purifying love of God may lead them to full deliverance. May our prayer, united to the prayer of the Church, Obtain for them the joy that surpasses all understanding, And bring consolation and relief to our afflicted brothers and sisters. Mother of the Church, help us, pilgrims on earth, To be better in living each day of our journey towards the Resurrection. Heal the wounds of heart and soul. Help us to become witnesses of the Unseen God, Seeking already what the eye cannot see. Grant us the grace to become apostles of hope Akin to sentinels awaiting dawn. Refuge of sinners and Queen of all Saints, Gather us all, one day, in Our Father's House, for the Eternal Easter, through Christ our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Our Lady of Montligeon, pray for the Souls in Purgatory.