Novena in Honor of the Queenship of Mary

Pray to Our Lady Queen of heaven. Depose your intentions at the feet of Mary for her to give to Christ.


Why Join?

Join us as we pray this novena in honor of Our Blessed Mother under the title of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

For nine days, we will reflect on the different titles that are attributed to Mary as Queen of heaven and earth.

Mary stands at the foot of the cross and can depose there your intentions.

"She has surpassed the riches of the virgins, the confessors, the martyrs, the apostles, the prophets, the patriarchs and the angels, for she herself is the first-fruit of the virgins, the mirror of confessors, the rose of martyrs, the ruler of apostles, the oracle of prophets, the daughter of patriarchs, the queen of angels."

St. Bonaventure

The program

Everyday you will receive:

📖 A quote from scriptures

🪔 A meditation

❤  An opportunity to depose your personal intentions

🙏 Concluding prayers

  • Day 1: Bring joy
  • Day 2: Assumption of Mary - Accompanied by Grace
  • Day 3: Presence of God
  • Day 4: Walk with Mary and Joseph
  • Day 5: Citizen of the One Kingdom
  • Day 6: Ofering to God our whole self
  • Day 7: Let us sing the Praises of Mary
  • Day 8: Mary, the Way to Jesus
  • Day 9: Mary, Queen of the Universe

The Carmelite Friars

We are the Carmelite Friars, Province of St. Elias. We are here to promote prayer and devotion, particularly to Our Lady of Mount Carmel.">">

Prayer from the novena

Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And let us not enter into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen