Lay down your burdens: Our Lady of Walsingham Novena

"All who come there shall find help in their need." Lay down your burdens at the feet of Our Lady of Walsingham. Come and honour her and her Son, Jesus. The feast is on September 24.


Why join this prayer community?

In 1061, Our Lady appeared to a lady called Richeldis de Faverches and showed her Nazareth, asking her to buid a replica of the Holy House of the Annunciation in England.

  • Our Lady told Richeldis: 

It shall be a perpetual memorial to the great joy of the Annunciation, ground and origin of all my joys and the root of humanity's gracious Redemption

Join and rejoice with Mary at "the great joy of the Annunciation", lay down your burdens and grow closer to God.

  • Pope Leo XIII said in 1897:

When England goes back to Walsingham, Our Lady will come back to England

Spread the word, let all discover Our Lady of Walsingham so that England comes back to Mary, and her shrine at Walsingham and comes to know Jesus our saviour and redeemer.

The programme

Every day for seven days you will receive:

  • A daily intention
  • An opening prayer
  • A daily reflection
  • Daily prayers to conclude

Click Join to receive the 9 days of prayers

And Click here to leave your prayer intention.

The Catholic National Shrine and Basilica of our Lady...

This novena was graciously put at our disposal by The Catholic National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady.

Click here to discover the official Website

Click  here for the full story of Our Lady Of Walsingham

Novena prayer


Our Lady, who did ask for the Holy House to be built here in England, lead us to contemplate the hidden life of the Holy Family in Nazareth and to listen to the voice of God in the stillness of our hearts. May we find sanctuary in your maternal care and comfort in your prayers. Guide us on this pilgrimage on earth, that, by imitating your joyful welcome of the Divine Will, we too may one day dwell with the Blessed Trinity for ever. Amen.