Novena for Spiritual Warfare

Start the novena whenever you want!

Let's offer prayers in this Novena for Spiritual Warfare, that God will assist us in our fight against Satan and will always protect us from the Devil's snares!

🙏 Why Pray the Novena for Spiritual Warfare? 

◾ You can pray the Novena for Spiritual Warfare if you are under spiritual attack. 

◾ You can use this novena to seek deliverance from the attacks of the devil in a certain area   of your life, or to seek help if you feel that problems you are encountering in your life are because of the work of the devil. 

◾ You can also pray this novena for help against physical manifestations of demonic activity in your home.

◾ Additionally, you can pray the Novena for Spiritual Warfare to seek help for a friend or family member who is fighting against demonic activity in their life.

🧡 Spiritual Warfare 

◾ Join us in praying the Novena for Spiritual Warfare!

◾ Though we usually cannot see it, there is a great battle that goes on in our world as the devil and his minions try to ensnare souls. The devil uses many different tactics as he attacks us, and we must do all we can to fight against him.

◾ The work of spiritual warfare, as we fight against the devil's entrapment and lies, is not easy. It is often emotionally taxing and it can drain us in unexpected ways. 

◾ God will always protect us from the devil, but we must turn to Him repeatedly for help in the battles of spiritual warfare. All who are fighting spiritual warfare are in great need of our prayers.

◾ Let's offer prayers in this Novena for Spiritual Warfare, that God will assist us in this fight against Satan and will always protect us from the devil's snares!

(You can pray this novena anytime)

Novena prayer

Closing Prayer

August Queen of Heaven, sovereign Mistress of the Angels, who didst receive from the beginning the mission and the power to crush the serpent's head, we beseech thee to send thy holy angels, that under thy command and by thy power, they may pursue the evil spirits, encounter them on every side, resist their bold attacks, and drive them hence into the abyss of woe. Most Holy Mother, send thy Angels to defend us and to drive the cruel enemy from us. All ye holy Angels and Archangels, help and defend us. Amen. O Good and Tender Mother! Thou shalt ever be our Love and our Hope. Holy Angels and Archangels, keep and defend us. Amen

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