Powerful novena to Saint Rita of Cascia
Pray this powerful novena! The Monastery of Saint Rita Da Cascia proposes a short and effective novena to ask for the powerful intercession of the advocate of impossible cases.
Pray to Saint Rita for desperate causes or impossible cases to learn to hope.
We invite you to entrust her with various areas of your life: your partner, family, suffering and much more, because she, through her great devotion and lived experiences, can help us to intercede with the Lord, in a very effective way!
Every day you will receive:
📜A special prayer of supplication for each day
🪔A response
🙏🏻 The prayer to Saint Rita by clicking on "pray"
The Augustinian Nuns
This novena is gratiously put to our use by the Augustinian Nuns of the Monastery of St. Rita of Cascia in Italy. It was in this monastery that St. Rita lived in for 40 years.
Hozana is especially grateful that the Monastery proposes this English version of the novena.
A short story that happened there
Tradition has it that shortly after becoming a novice, the mother superior asked Rita to water a dry plant in the garden. Rita humbly obeyed, drawing the water from the well. And so, one day, God transformed the dry plant into a luxuriant vine🌱.
And you, do you dare to ask for a miracle for yourself or a loved one today?