Novena to be faithful to our Promise

Pray this novena to remain faithful to your Scout Promise, or any promise made to God, with meditations from priests and scouts around the world.


The novena

This novena is to help you be faithful to your Promise or promises. It will start on the 14 February to finish on the 22 February, which is Founders' Day, birthday of Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, and his wife's.

The Scout Promise

On my honour, with God's grace, I pledge to do my best to serve God, the Church, my Country and Europe, to help my neighbour at all times, and to comply with the Scout/Guide Law.

A pledge is a promise.

On the day we made our Scout Promise, we didn't make it to our Scout leader, or to the Priest. We promised to God.

As God is eternally faithful in His love to us, we should be eternally faithful in our promises to Him. This novena will help us to restate our Promise made to God. And for those of you who didn't make a Scout Promise, this novena can be the opportunity for you to turn to God and be faithful to your own personal promises and to God.

This novena consists of 9 days of prayer.

Day 1 : On my honour 

Day 2 : With God's grace

Day 3 : Serve God

Day 4 : Serve the Church

Day 5 : Serve my Country

Day 6 : Serve Europe (or our Christian roots) 

Day 7 : Help my neighbour at all times

Day 8 : Comply with the Scout/Guide law

Day 9 : Renewal of our Promise and promises

Everyday you will receive:

  • a Reading from the Bible 📖
  • a quote from a scout personality or a scout text 📕 
  • a short meditation 🕯️
  • the Scout Prayer 🙏

The International Union of Guides and Scouts of Europe (UIGSE-FSE)

We gather more than 67 000 members in 24 Guides and Scouts of Europe's associations in Europe, North and South America. Our primary objective is to educate youth using Baden Powell's traditional scouting method, based on the Christian values that are at the roots of our common European civilisation.

Find out more about us on our website, our Facebook page and our YouTube channel.

Other languages

The translations will be available at the end of every daily post.

Prayer from the novena

Scout Prayer

Lord Jesus, Teach us to be generous, To serve You as You deserve, To give without stinting, To fight without care of injuries, To work without looking for any rest, To spend ourselves without expecting any reward Except to know that we fulfil Your holy will. (Saint Ignatius of Loyola)