Novena to Our Lady of Peñafrancia

Join us for this novena of prayer through the intercession of Our Lady of Peñafrancia! She is the Patroness of the sick, the afflicted, and the Queen of the Bicol region of the Philippines.


Our Lady of Peñafrancia is venerated by Filipinos in the Philippines and all across the globe. She is a powerful intercessor, especially for the sick and all those who are afflicted. In December 2015, Pope Francis enshrined a mosaic of Our Lady of Peñafrancia in the Vatican Gardens.

Join us in committing ourselves anew to the maternal care of Mary through these nine days of prayer through the intercession of Our Lady of Peñafrancia. Entrust your intentions to her. She is our Mother who never ceases to lead us closer to her Son, Jesus.

Share this novena with your family and friends. Our Lady of Peñafrancia, pray for us!

Each day you will receive:

🙏 Act of contrition, asking God's mercy

🕊️ Responsory of Our Lady of Peñafrancia

🙏 Special prayer for each day

(Photo courtesy of the Municipality of San Andres)

Prayer from the novena

Prayer to Our Lady of Peñafrancia

O most lovable Queen and Mother Mary, whose sweet name gladdens the heavens, consoles the earth and daunts hell. O peerless greatness granted to thee by Him who is omnipotent, that all might share in the benefit of that plenitude; namely: the sick their cure, the sorrowful their consolation, the sinners their forgiveness, the angels their joy and the Blessed Trinity untold glory. To you I have recourse in this novena, as an armour for my defence, as a medicine for my health, as a consolation for my grief, as an effective relief for my burdens, as a help unto the remission of my sins and as a universal remedy for all my needs. There­fore I beseech Thee time and again and fre­quently repeat these sweet words: Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for us, Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for us, Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for us. May I deserve from thy mercy and benevolence a participation in the benign influence of thy name and may I become one of thy most faithful children, so that living always under this precious protection, may I be granted the special intention of this novena, if it be for the greater honour and glory of God and the salvation of my soul. Amen. Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for us.