Holy name of Mary

O most excellent, most glorious, most holy and ever inviolate blessed Virgin Mary,- mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, queen of the world and mistress of all creatures! Thou who forsakest no one, despisest no one, who leavest in sadness none who seek help at thy hands with pure and lowly hearts, do not abandon me because of the number and hatefulness of my sins, nor on account of the hardness and uncleanness of my heart; do not refuse me, thy servant, a share in, thy favor and thy love. Hear me, a wretched sinner, who trusts in thy mercy and pity. Help me, O most loving Virgin Mary! in all my perils and needs, and obtain for me from thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of all my sins, the grace of the fear and love of thee, chastity in body, and deliverance from all the dangers which beset both soul and body.

In the last moments of my life be thou my kind, helper and save from eternal darkness, and from evil of every kind my poor soul, and the souls of my parents brothers, sisters, friends, relatives, and benefactors, together with the souls of all the faithful, both living and dead, through the grace of him whom for nine months thou didst bear in thy most holy womb, and whom thou didst place with thy holy hands in the manger, Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be all honor given for endless ages. Amen

Community prayer

Glory Be

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Thank you! 82 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


A Prayer A Day
