Day 9 - St. Michael, Assist Us in Our Last Fight!

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Say 'The Lord's Prayer'

Say three 'Hail Marys'

Say one 'Glory Be'

Prayer of Intercession

Oh most noble Prince of the Angelic Hierarchies, valorous warrior of Almighty God and zealous lover of His glory, terror of the rebellious angels, and love and delight of all the just angels, my beloved Archangel Saint Michael, desiring to be numbered among your devoted servants:
I today offer and consecrate myself to you, and place myself, my family, and all I possess under your most powerful protection. I entreat you not to look at how little, I, as your servant have to offer, being only a wretched sinner, but to gaze, rather, with favorable eye at the heartfelt affection with which this offering is made, and remember that if from this day onward I am under your patronage, you must during all my life assist me, and procure for me the pardon of my many grievous offenses, and sins, the grace to love with all my heart my God, my dear Savior Jesus, and my Sweet Mother Mary, and to obtain for me all the help necessary to arrive to my crown of glory. Defend me always from my spiritual enemies, particularly in the last moments of my life. Come then, oh Glorious Prince, and succor me in my last struggle, and with your powerful weapon cast far from me into the infernal abysses that prevaricator and proud angel that one day you prostrated in the celestial battle.
                                                                                From an antique prayer of consecration


Michael is, without a doubt, the most revered Archangel in Christianity. Jesus said "angels in heaven always see the face of my Father " (Matthew 18:10), meaning that humans are never abandoned by the Lord; angels watch over us, remind God of us (as if God would forget... how lucky we are!)

Let us remember the story of this girl, who, as she was walking home alone at night, crossed the path of three 'tipsy friends'. She prayed to her guardian angel for protection, and none of the three men bothered her as she passed them by. A few days later, she encountered one of the three men and asked him why none of them said or did anything that night. He replied: "with that big fellow of yours by your side, none of us dared to move!". She thought she walked alone... when in reality, her guardian angel was walking beside her, and others were aware of its presence. 

Going further, we can see that angels serve both sides: they guard and hear the pleas of those invoking them, and, in return, bring them all the graces that God wants to grant them. The angel is a good intermediary, but not a passive one. They are a good example for humans, who are called to be their "brother's keepers" (Genesis 4:9 "am I my brother's keeper?"). 

Truly, maybe there is a bit of an angel in all of us: we are given the grace to walk with God... We owe Him, and our brethren. What if the Lord placed us here on this earth so that our brothers and sisters may benefit from our presence as their "guardians"?

 If you do not close your ear to others you open God's ear to yourself - Sermon by St. Peter Chrysologus, PL 52 : 320-322

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Community prayer

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Thank you! 855 people prayed


Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


For protection: novena to St. Michael
