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Web image : Saints Marcellin and Peter, Martyrs in Rome ( 304)


"And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me" (Matthew 18-5- King James Bible version). "Then were brought unto him little children that he should put his hands on them and pray and the disciples rebuked them" Matthew 19-13- King James Bible version). "Then Jesus saith unto them,Children, have ye any meat ? They answered him, No" (Jean 21:5 King James Bible version). Who is our teacher, our teacher, to us, the little ones? He is called Jesus. He calls himself a shepherd; he calls himself "the good shepherd" (Jn 10:11). "I am the good shepherd : the good shepherd his life for the sheep" (Jean 10:11 King James Bible version) 

According to Titus Flavius Clemens, also known as Clement of Alexandria ( c. 150 Athen – c. 215 Jerusalem),  The Paedagogus ( The Instructor)I, 53-56 (Trad. SC 70 and Coll. The Fathers in Faith, n ° 44-45).Chapter 5. All Who Walk According to Truth are Children of God and also Les oeuvres de Saint Clément d'Alexandrie traduit du grec avec les opuscules de plusieurs autres Pères grecs- A PARIS chez D ,MARIETTE rue St Jacques à Saint Augustin-MDCCI avec le privilège du Roy.

Accordingly, in the Gospel the Lord, standing on the shore, says to the disciples— they happened to be fishing — and called aloud, Children, have you any meat? John 21:4-5 — addressing those that were already in the position of disciples as children. And they brought to Him, it is said, children, that He might put His hands on them and bless them; and when His disciples  hindered them, Jesus said, Suffer the children, and forbid them not to come to Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven Matthew 19:14 What the expression means the Lord Himself shall declare, saying, « Unless you be converted, and become as little chidren, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Matthew 18:3 not in that place speaking figuratively of regeneration, but setting before us, for our imitation, the simplicity that is in children.


Let us always pray to look like the "little ones" in order to always do the will of the "Good Shepherd". 

Community prayer

St. Augustine

O Thou Good Omnipotent, Who so carest for every one of us, as if Thou carest for him alone; and so for all, as if all were but one! Blessed is the man who loveth Thee, and his friend in Thee, and his enemy for Thee. For he only loses none dear to him, to whom all are dear in Him who cannot be lost. And who is that but our God, the God that made heaven and earth, and filleth them, even by filling them creating them. And Thy law is truth, and the truth is Thyself. I behold how some things pass away that others may replace them, but Thou dost never depart, O God, my Father supremely good, Beauty of all things beautiful. To Thee will I intrust whatsoever I have received from Thee, so shall I lose nothing. Thou madest me for Thyself, and my heart is restless until it reposes in Thee. Amen.

Thank you! 18 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Wisdom from the Church Fathers
