The soul most favored by Jesus

Let us prepare ourselves for prayer as Mama Mary teaches us.

“Mama Mary, with your help and the help of my Guardian Angel, I surround my head with the thorns of Jesus, I bead my eyes with His tears, I impregnate my tongue with His bitterness, I clothe my soul with His Blood, I adorn myself with His wounds, I pierce my hands and feet with His nails and I present yourself before the Holy Trinity to unite myself in His Will and to pray with all Creatures.”

Jesus, rest your gaze upon me, prepare my soul to receive the kiss of your union, cleanse me. May we live this prayer together, united in every way, in body, in soul, in love and in free will. May this encounter between love created and Love uncreated be a source of Life for all. In this way, hidden in your Love, all the created dissolves in the ardent fire of Love uncreated. Amen. FIAT.

 "I will be with you, and will bless you" (Gn 26:3)

PS: what a lovely word from our Lord for our last publication…

Passage from “Book of Heaven” by Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will – 29 September 1912 – The soul most favored by Jesus

I am writing of past things. I was thinking to myself: ‘The Lord spoke to some about His Passion, to some about His Heart, to some others about His Cross, and many more things. I would like to know which soul has been favored the most by Jesus.'

My adorable Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, do you know who has been most favored by Me? The soul to whom I manifested the prodigies and the power of my Most Holy Will. All other things are parts of Me, while my Will is the center, the life and the holder of everything. My Will directed my Passion, gave life to my Heart, and exalted the Cross. My Will understands everything, catches everything, and activates everything - my Will is greater than anything. As a consequence, the one to whom I spoke about my Will has been the most favored, above everyone and everything.

How much you should thank Me for having admitted you to the secrets of my Volition! Even more, the one who is in my Will is also in my Passion; she is my Heart; she is all the beauty of my Cross and she is my very Redemption. Nothing dissimilar exists between us. Therefore, I want you completely in my Will, if you want to take part in my goods."

Let us pray

Thank you Lord for allowing us to end this time of prayer by discovering how much we have been favoured during time of prayer in your company, in your Will. May this time be a stepping stone launching us into life in Your Will as You have always desired it for each of us.

Let us join our prayer in the Lord's Will: (click “Pray”)

Small call to action  

Reread last week's bible verses and meditate on them in their entirety.

I invite you to reread Luisa's writings every now and then, you can go back to in this community…

If you would like to understand the course of action that leads to Life in the Divine Will, look out for other communities dedicated to praying with Luisa, with Mary or with Jesus in his Passion and Hour of Mercy.  

May the Lord bless you, grant you his Peace and his Love in his Will.

Happy journey in this Life,

Caroline and So', a litter sister in Jesus.

Community prayer

Act of Spiritual Communion (by Mgr Raymond Centène)

Lord Jesus, I firmly believe that You are present in the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. I love You more than anything and I desire You with all my soul. “My body longs for you, like a dry, weary land without water.” (Psalm 62) I want to receive You today with all the love of the Virgin Mary, with the joy and the fervor of the Saints. Since I am prevented from receiving You sacramentally, come at least spiritually to visit my soul. In this time of absence, may this Eucharistic fast to which I am subjected bring me in communion with Your sufferings, especially with the feeling of abandon that You felt on the Cross when You cried out: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” May this sacramental fast bring me in communion with the sentiments of Your Most Holy Mother and of St Joseph when they lost You in the temple of Jerusalem; with the sentiments of Your Holy Mother when she received You, lifeless, at the foot of the Cross. May this Eucharistic fast bring me in communion with the suffering of Your mystical Body, the Church, throughout the world where persecution, or the absence of priests, are obstacles to sacramental life. May this Eucharistic fast bring me to understand that the Eucharist is an over-abundant gift of Your love and not a given for my spiritual comfort. May this Eucharistic fast be a reparation for all the times when I received you with a heart that was badly prepared, cold, indifferent, without love nor thanksgiving. May this Eucharistic fast ever increase my hunger to receive You truly and substantially in Your body, Your blood, Your soul and Your divinity when the circumstances will allow me. And until then, Lord Jesus, come to visit us spiritually through Your grace to strengthen us in our trials. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.

Thank you! 62 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


The Eucharistic fast: an offering of your life
