Institution of the Holy Eucharist

Jesus, rest your gaze upon me, prepare my soul to receive the kiss of your union, cleanse me. May we live this prayer together, united in every way, in body, in soul, in love and in free will. May this encounter between love created and Love uncreated be a source of Life for all. In this way, hidden in your Love, all the created dissolves in the ardent fire of Love uncreated. Amen. FIAT.

"For you were called to freedom" (Ga 5:13)

Passage from “The 24 Hours of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ” by Luisa Piccarreta – Fourth Hour: The Eucharistic Supper

I (Luisa) see You, my Heart, assuming a look wholly New and never seen before. Your Divine Person acquires a tender, Loving, affectionate appearance; Your eyes blaze with Light, more than if they were suns; Your rosy face is radiant; Your lips are smiling and burning with Love; Your Creative Hands assume the attitude of Creating. I see You, my Love, all transformed; Your Divinity seems to overflow from Your Humanity.

My Heart and my Life, Jesus, this appearance of Yours, never before seen, draws the attention of all the apostles. They are caught by a sweet enchantment and do not dare even to breathe. Your Sweet Mama runs in spirit to the foot of the altar, to admire the portents of Your Love. The Angels descend from Heaven, asking themselves, “What is this? What is this? These are true follies, true excesses! A God who Creates, not heaven or earth, but Himself. And where? In the most wretched matter of a little bread and a little wine.”

But while they are all around You, O insatiable Love, I see that You take the bread in Your hands; You offer it to the Father, and I hear Your most sweet voice say, “Holy Father, thanks be to You, for always answering Your Son. Holy Father, concur with Me. One day, You sent Me from Heaven to earth to be Incarnated in the Womb of My Mama, to come and save Our children. Now, allow Me to be Incarnated in each Host, to continue their salvation and be Life of each one of My children. Do You see, O Father? Few hours of My Life are left; who would have the heart to leave My children orphaned and alone? Many are their enemies—the obscurities, the passions, the weaknesses to which they are subject. Who will help them? O please, I supplicate You to let Me stay in each Host, to be Life of each one, and therefore put to flight their enemies; to be their Light, Strength and Help in everything. Otherwise, where shall they go? Who will help them? Our Works are Eternal, My Love is irresistible—I cannot leave My children, nor do I want to.”

The Father is moved at the tender and affectionate voice of the Son. He descends from Heaven; He is already on the altar, and united with the Holy Spirit, concurs with the Son. And Jesus, with sonorous and moving voice, pronounces the words of the Consecration, and without leaving Himself, Creates Himself in that bread and wine.

Then You communicate Your apostles, and I believe that our Celestial Mama did not remain without receiving You. Ah, Jesus, the Heavens bow down and all send to You an act of adoration in Your new state of profound annihilation.

But, O sweet Jesus, while Your Love remains pleased and satisfied, having nothing left to do, I see, O my Good, on this altar, Hosts which will perpetuate until the end of centuries; and lined up in each Host, Your whole sorrowful Passion, because the creatures, at the excesses of Your Love, prepare for You excesses of ingratitude and enormous crimes. And I, Heart of my heart, want to be always with You in each tabernacle, in all the pyxes and in each Consecrated Host which will ever be until the end of the world, to emit my acts of reparation, according to the offenses You receive.

A course of action

Listening to the teachings of Fr Dominique Duten, I suggest that we embark along the following course of action. Each at our own liberty, during a time of prayer, let us offer our will to the Lord, asking him to take in within Him. Let's ask Him to give us his Will and let it fill up our being. In an act of Adoration and love in his Will, let's travel on the wings of God's Will to that moment of the Last Supper at the Cenacle. Let's attend the institution of the Holy Eucharist and receive the Eucharist from Jesus Himself.

I stress that this course of action is something that is only undertaken with freedom. The action of relinquishing our will belongs to each of us creatures, and it cannot be taken against our liberty. Nobody, and I mean nobody, can lay a hand on our inner freedom – it is a part of our soul. This freedom may bring us to relinquish our will if that is the path that we choose. The path is like a second baptism. For this reason, I can merely present this course of action to you as a suggestion.

This course of action, of relinquishing our will to the Lord and asking Him for his Will, is the first step that will lead us to immense gift: Life in the Lord's Will. May the Lord bless you and give you his Peace.

I invite you to say the community prayer of communion by clicking “Pray”.

PS: if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me at [email protected]

Community prayer

Act of Spiritual Communion (by Mgr Raymond Centène)

Lord Jesus, I firmly believe that You are present in the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. I love You more than anything and I desire You with all my soul. “My body longs for you, like a dry, weary land without water.” (Psalm 62) I want to receive You today with all the love of the Virgin Mary, with the joy and the fervor of the Saints. Since I am prevented from receiving You sacramentally, come at least spiritually to visit my soul. In this time of absence, may this Eucharistic fast to which I am subjected bring me in communion with Your sufferings, especially with the feeling of abandon that You felt on the Cross when You cried out: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” May this sacramental fast bring me in communion with the sentiments of Your Most Holy Mother and of St Joseph when they lost You in the temple of Jerusalem; with the sentiments of Your Holy Mother when she received You, lifeless, at the foot of the Cross. May this Eucharistic fast bring me in communion with the suffering of Your mystical Body, the Church, throughout the world where persecution, or the absence of priests, are obstacles to sacramental life. May this Eucharistic fast bring me to understand that the Eucharist is an over-abundant gift of Your love and not a given for my spiritual comfort. May this Eucharistic fast be a reparation for all the times when I received you with a heart that was badly prepared, cold, indifferent, without love nor thanksgiving. May this Eucharistic fast ever increase my hunger to receive You truly and substantially in Your body, Your blood, Your soul and Your divinity when the circumstances will allow me. And until then, Lord Jesus, come to visit us spiritually through Your grace to strengthen us in our trials. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.

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Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


The Eucharistic fast: an offering of your life
