See God face to face

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2nd Sunday of Advent

St. Paul to the Romans 15:4.

“Everything that was written long ago in the scriptures was meant to teach us something about hope.”  

Hope is a key word with regard to the Season of Advent. The word captures the very essence of this important season. Hope, when used to explain what Advent is all about is much more than a dream or wish. The word hope in the context of Advent speaks of anticipation and expectation. During these days of Advent we are in expectation of the joyful events of Christmas, where we recall the first coming of the Son of God. At the same time our thoughts at this time are directed towards an understanding of what it is to be in anticipation of the second coming of Christ at the end of time.

In fact from the 1st December to the 16th December the readings at the Masses direct our minds to the second coming of Christ.

But from the 17th to 24th December, our thinking and our praying are focused on preparing for the birth of the Lord Jesus.

St Augustine describes hope as the desire of our hearts to see God face to face. May we use these days of Advent in joyful expectation of seeing the face of God in the child Jesus in the manger this Christmas. And in joyful anticipations of seeing God face to face at the end of time, in his heavenly home.

A meditation written by Fr Ian Wilson O.S.A., Prior at St Joseph's, Broomhouse

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Community prayer

Nativity Prayer of St Augustine

Let the just rejoice, for their Justifier is born. Let the sick and infirm rejoice, for their Savior is born. Let the captives rejoice, for their Redeemer is born. Let slaves rejoice, for their Master is born. Let free men rejoice, for their Liberator is born. Let all Christians rejoice, for Jesus Christ is born. St Augustine of Hippo (AD 354-440)

Thank you! 78 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Advent with the Augustinians
