Love is my name - Womanhood

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"To say that I am made in the image of God is to say that love is the reason for my existence, for God is love. Love is my true identity, selflessness is my true self, love is my true character. Love is my name" - Thomas Merton 

Although this group is not exclusively for women, this week we are reflecting on what it means to be a woman.  Genesis 2 tells us that God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone, so He created Eve from one of Adams ribs and He brought her to him and entrusted her to him. This reminds us of a wedding, where the father escorts his daughter to the groom and entrusts her to him. Although Eve was created from Adam's flesh, they were both directly created by God. They are unique, the same but different and filled with equal dignity and worth. God did not take a bone from Adam's foot, suggesting that women are below men, nor did he take a bone from Adam's head, suggesting that women are above men - He took a bone from Adam's side, so that man and woman can stand side by side as equals. Each is a gift from God to each other, as well as being a gift to themselves; the life they received from God, together with all their talents is a gift. When Adam saw Eve for the first time, he was so grateful! He recognised that like him, she has been created in God's image and likeness. Just as Adam and Eve were freely created, we are too. All women were willed and loved into existence. God paid the price and asks absolutely nothing in return. Our lives are a free gift of God's love and goodness! What does this mean for a woman?  how do we live out this gift of life? If our lives are called into existence by a pure and perfect love then surely we are called to respond with love - love for God, ourselves and others.  

JPII said "Every woman desires to be understood and every man strives to understand the soul of a woman". Only Jesus FULLY understands the soul of a woman. In the Gospel, every woman who has an encounter with Him is set free; (to name a few, the woman at the well, the woman who was bleeding, Mary Magdalene). They were all freed from some form of bondage, They were free to walk as a daughter of God. This is what we are first and foremost - a biological daughter of a mother and of God. Then, we are sisters - called to serve  and honour the men and women we meet and interact with every day of our lives with sisterly love, care, and respect. We are also of course, a bride of Christ (such a beautiful and unique identity!). As Jesus gives himself to us completely, and poured out His life for us, we sense a deep longing and calling to respond to that love, by giving ourselves completely to Him. 

This week's song is “Love has a name” by Jesus Culture:

Let's reflect on this unique identity as we listen to the song. Am I living out my true calling as a daughter, sister and bride of Christ? Are there areas of my life that do not reflect my true identity as woman? What areas do I need to surrender? Ask God to shine His light and His love in those areas so we, like the women of the Gospel who met Jesus, can walk and live in true freedom and joy. 

Let's pray: Father I thank you for my womanhood and thank You for my character, my gifts, my talents - many of which have yet to be revealed to me. By your grace, may every single part of my life reflect the fact that I am your daughter, a sister and a bride of Christ. Draw me closer to you so that in every encounter with you, I experience even greater freedom. Thank you that you always understand my soul. Father, give all men the grace and revelation to understand more deeply the soul of a woman, enabling them to truly love, respect and honour all the women in their lives.  Mary, our mother and sister pray for us. In Jesus's name, Amen. 

Have a joyful week. Next Saturday we will be reflecting on Manhood.

God bless you

Maisy & Olivia x

*Theology of the Body 

*I Am My Body - Jim McManus C.Ss.R.

*Veritatis Splendor 

Community prayer

Prayer to Saint John-Paul II

Oh, St. John Paul, from the window of heaven, grant us your blessing! Bless the Church that you loved and served and guided, courageously leading her along the paths of the world, in order to bring Jesus to everyone and everyone to Jesus... Amen

Thank you! 24 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


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