DAY 3: All disciples of grace !

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Make every day a day of mission!

‘‘For if I preach the Gospel, that gives me no ground for boasting. For necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel !’’ (1 Cor 9,16). 

There are so many ways to preach the Gospel and firstly by all our being, carrying with God the desire that all be saved! The woman’s Heart grows with every child who comes into the world; in her, everyone has their share. It is true for the family, but also in the spiritual plan to the extent that the Kingdom’s interests become ours. Following Mary, each baptized is a missionary disciple. The one who receives life (physical and spiritual) becomes the guardian, the sentinel, alive! Here is the great testimony that is needed without words: Life! The name Eve means ‘alive’ in Hebrew and takes its root from the word ‘Chavah’: say, declare, show, make known! And again the word ‘grace’, ‘‘No’am’’: goodness, kindness, charm, beauty, favour!

We cannot give God’s grace, but we can reflect it by becoming alive! Feminity is epiphanic when like a moon, (to which Mary is often compared in the tradition), it does not shine by itself, but it lights up because full of the sun rays.



-What is it for me to be alive?

-Are there in my heart germs of death? (bitterness, anger, rancor… ?)

-May I consider abandoning them at Jesus’s feet in the sacrament of reconciliation?



After a moment of prayer, write down on a paper everything that prevents you from celebrating this life God has entrusted to you. To move forward, I need my past to be at peace, otherwise, it is just like I’m moving forward with this paper in front of me, it is hiding the horizon. You can stand with it, arms outstretched in front of you and acknowledge its presence, then drop it at the foot of the Cross…     



Mary, Mediator of all grace, I dedicate you the life that flows in me, the very first grace that I carry in me and around me. Help me to protect that life, to respect it, let it become my first testimony of the Father’s Love for his children; lead me to become alive; so, in the evening of this life, I will just be moving from one room to another.

Community prayer

Prayer for women

Thank you Lord for creating me woman! I am your daughter and I bless you for this new day, where your kindness and mercy are renewed again for me. I stand in the shadow of your wings and let myself love and look though you (I take time to let myself be watched by the Lord in all my being as a woman) Lord, you are my Creator and you have desired me from all eternity, as I am. You love me so much, I have so much value in your eyes that you gave your life for me. I thank you for the Life and Beauty that flow in me. By your Holy Spirit, I ask you the grace to take care of it, to glorify you with all my being as a woman. Lord, you are my God, my Saviour, my Beloved… (I take time to tell the Lord who He is for me : my rock, my sheperd…) Father, on this day, bless my thoughts, my actions and my encounters ; may your blessing reach each person you will put on my way. Through the intercession of all the holy women of heaven, I beg you to fill the hearts of women of the Hozanna community. Amen.

Thank you! 28 people prayed

1 comment

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Alive! A community for women
