DAY 1: Women and Mediator

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A mediator intervenes to facilitate or restore a relationship, Mary does that through her various apparitions where she keeps on reminding us how the Father loves us and she invites us to turn to him. We have already quoted St John Paul II: 

‘‘God entrusts the human being to the woman’’ (Mulieris Dignitarem)

The first relationship between two human beings on earth is initiated by the woman. Adam amazed comes out of himself to Eve, and here is circulating love between two people conforming us to God’s image and resemblance (Genesis 1,27). Neurosciences discoveries show how in the woman’s brain everything is connected, everything is reliance. We sometimes look like a big bag, full of objects: the elements of our lives and on each element the word ‘relationship’ is written. To caricature a bit our two sexes, while the man’s brain would mostly look like a dresser with a drawer for every thing, humourists do not deprive themselves from exploiting this theme. A detail of the Word (Gen 25) tell us this. When Rebecca is pregnant with twins, Isaac prays to God while Rebecca consults God. This light verbal difference shows that Rebecca is already in the relationship with God, He is part of her inner atmosphere, while Isaac has to make the step to meet him. An old rabbi said in an address: 

‘‘A week with one’s woman is worth more than a week with the Torah’’

Following Mary, as a woman, I am called to facilitate the relationship with God, to favour it. In a word, to become what I am: a help, or more literally ‘a relief’ ( Hebrew word for help: Gen2, 18).   

Martha Robin had as a motto : ‘‘All to Jesus through Mary, Mediator of all graces’’.


-    Am I aware of that woman’s mission?

-    What, from God do I like transmitting?

-     Do I usually inform while sharing or trying to convince?


I take a moment to meditate under the gaze of God, on my way of being in relationship, to me, to others, to God. I name what makes me sad, which I do not want anymore, and which hamper, imprison, ossify the beauty of my relationships, because I know I give to others what I bear within me.


Mary Mediator of all grace, I consecrate you my way of being in relationship and all the roots of my relationships habits. You, who is full of the Holy Spirit, I ask you the grace to open myself to His presence for love to be in me and around me.    

Community prayer

Prayer for women

Thank you Lord for creating me woman! I am your daughter and I bless you for this new day, where your kindness and mercy are renewed again for me. I stand in the shadow of your wings and let myself love and look though you (I take time to let myself be watched by the Lord in all my being as a woman) Lord, you are my Creator and you have desired me from all eternity, as I am. You love me so much, I have so much value in your eyes that you gave your life for me. I thank you for the Life and Beauty that flow in me. By your Holy Spirit, I ask you the grace to take care of it, to glorify you with all my being as a woman. Lord, you are my God, my Saviour, my Beloved… (I take time to tell the Lord who He is for me : my rock, my sheperd…) Father, on this day, bless my thoughts, my actions and my encounters ; may your blessing reach each person you will put on my way. Through the intercession of all the holy women of heaven, I beg you to fill the hearts of women of the Hozanna community. Amen.

Thank you! 29 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Alive! A community for women
