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Meditation of Marthe :

“A soul can only give the others what overflows from it, only the surplus given to it.” “Thanks to Jesus, over all thanks to our good Mother, I know, better and better, how to dissimulate all that reminds that I am sick, and not to say anything about the evils I ceaselessly suffer and of which I talk very little. I want everything around me and in me to radiate harmony, holy contentment, joy and huge goodness of the heart.” “Kindness is the charity that gives itself, the patience that bears, the strength and the peace that are transmitted from one heart to everybody's hearts…. Joy is the radiant disposition of the soul turned towards its God.”

What should I draw from this today ?

To love, first let's welcome the Love of God within us. It will show us how to love concretely, how to take care of the others with delicacy, how to serve with joy, how to share human warmth, goodness, benevolence, how to show compassion, welcome the others as they are, accompany them, pray for them. All this life of love is within our reach. Let's learn how to develop the flower of gratitude, how to train ourselves to the joy that radiates and warms up, how to live this concrete and daily love that ‘divinises' our humanity: it is the way to holiness proposed by Marthe. 

Community prayer

For a new Pentecost of Love

My Lord, Send your Spirit and all will be created, and you will renew the face of the earth. Lord, renew your first Pentecost. Holy Spirit, God of Love, come, like a wind powerful, in our cathedrals, in our churches, in our chapels, in our cenacles, in the most luxurious houses such as in the most humble of homes. Fill the whole earth with your light. Amen

Thank you! 23 people prayed

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Col 4:6


Pray 9 days with Marthe Robin
